Girls' day out...
After long weekdays with zillion workloads on our mind, we decided 2 have a day out... Juz 2 hang out at flea market @ the Curve...
Typical attitude of us, the 'photo obsession' habit! The camera is always in our handbag... So these are several pics that we took... I won't incorporate all as some of it is reserved for Lyn's blog lak...
Here we are, mesmerized by the beautiful Xmas deco...
The two so called 'kembar siam' of DFC...
Waiting to pay at the long of Ikea's cashier... errgh...
Big Apple... The place I want to be...
High time to leave the flea market....
PS : to my adik, so sorry ktorg kuar berdua... X sempat nak ajak adik... Didn't mean 2 leave u alone... Mwahhhhs...
Then we went back, I went out for dinner with my better half lak...
Miss him la... After several hours not seeing each other...We went 2 uptown n spoilt ourselves with foods... Typically...
I had Bakso.. An Indonesian meatball...
Aren't we juz crazy...
Clockwise : white rice (obviously), spicy egg, kailan in oyster sauce & lemon chicken...Btw, this was his selection, not mine... hehhe....
When we got home, I was surprised 2 find something so cute (2 me la) in the bathroom... My better half bought this 2 cute contact lenses case...
He went like the blue 1 is mine and pink is yours...
N I was like, haruslerr both mine.... :)Nevertheless, I've decided 2 store lenses there...
They're juz 2 cute... n unique...
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