Front row (L-R) : Kak Nanie, Megat, Adam, DAFI, Myself & Lyn
Back row (L-R) : Nad, Safia, Joey, Rajan, Capek, Syukri, Azim, Fendy, Fara & Kak Rose
Not in pic : Rins, Lilo, Syazwan, Afreeda, Advisors & VIDN's
(Middle - thumb up)
Somehow, this pic macam symbolik dgn Wan, kann...
Very the 'kapal'...
To the newly elected Assistant Important Dafinites (AID), Capek, Kak Nanie, Kak Rose, Syuk & Rajan :
Congrates guys... Welcome to the team...
We really hope u guys could assist us in the upcomming DFC's events and any other matter pertaining our beloved FC...
Should there be any inquiry, suggestion or anything at all, do not hessitate to get in touch with any of us..
We really appreciate your new ideas and of course your assistance would mean the world to us...
To my fellow VIDs :
Here we are, once again... We've gone a long way together (1 year plus)...
We've made it so far, and we'll continue our journey together...
M so glad to be working together with u guys, again...
U guys are more than just a team mate to me - u're like a part of my life...
Sayang korang...
To my secretary 1 : Welcome home Adam... Thanx for making this decision... It meant a lot to me, and to all of us... U've been missed, ok...
To DFC's ex-officio : Thanx for all everything - your support, encouragements, advice, etc... u're such a dear friend to me, Ray...
To Dafi : Thanx for all the trust, faith & co-operation that u've shown to all of us... InsyaAllah, we'll try to keep this FC in good hand and meriah as we've always been...
Most important, to all Dafinites : U guys mean a lot to Dafi and DFC... U're the biggest 'asset' that we have... Thanx you so much for everything... Thanx for choosing us and also the newly elected AID to lead the way... Keep on supporting Dafi and DFC... Korang memang baik punya...
Not forgetting, my beloved Hubby : Thanx for letting me involve with DFC... Thanx for understanding and thanx for all your support... Love u so much...
All in all, together we stand & m sure we'll make such a great team - as we've always been...
Ombakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk to all of us.....
ps : rasa macam buat speech menang award laks... hahhaaha
---->Berangan jap... enough said...
Congrates guys... Welcome to the team...
We really hope u guys could assist us in the upcomming DFC's events and any other matter pertaining our beloved FC...
Should there be any inquiry, suggestion or anything at all, do not hessitate to get in touch with any of us..
We really appreciate your new ideas and of course your assistance would mean the world to us...
To my fellow VIDs :
Here we are, once again... We've gone a long way together (1 year plus)...
We've made it so far, and we'll continue our journey together...
M so glad to be working together with u guys, again...
U guys are more than just a team mate to me - u're like a part of my life...
Sayang korang...
To my secretary 1 : Welcome home Adam... Thanx for making this decision... It meant a lot to me, and to all of us... U've been missed, ok...
To DFC's ex-officio : Thanx for all everything - your support, encouragements, advice, etc... u're such a dear friend to me, Ray...
To Dafi : Thanx for all the trust, faith & co-operation that u've shown to all of us... InsyaAllah, we'll try to keep this FC in good hand and meriah as we've always been...
Most important, to all Dafinites : U guys mean a lot to Dafi and DFC... U're the biggest 'asset' that we have... Thanx you so much for everything... Thanx for choosing us and also the newly elected AID to lead the way... Keep on supporting Dafi and DFC... Korang memang baik punya...
Not forgetting, my beloved Hubby : Thanx for letting me involve with DFC... Thanx for understanding and thanx for all your support... Love u so much...
All in all, together we stand & m sure we'll make such a great team - as we've always been...
Ombakkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk to all of us.....
ps : rasa macam buat speech menang award laks... hahhaaha
---->Berangan jap... enough said...
tima kaceh...
tatau nak ckp camne... tp mmg rasa amat berbesar hati & teruja utk beri perkhidmatan yg terbaik (dgn bimbingan senior) Insyallah...
k.amy ptt bangga dgn berdiri teguhnya DFC smpai skg ni....kami semua akn menyokong DFC sampai bila2.....hahahah mmg ptt pun k.amy buat speech....:)
dear amy,
DFC dah jadi sebahagian dari hidup kita dah.
susah nak ditinggalkan.
As promised, I will do whatever I can to help.
Hahahah! Jangan takut TUN takkan keluar party...kekkeke
Congrates & good luck !
hey kak amy.. sedih plak bca ur blog ni. tp mcm speech je :p
ahahahaha almaklumlah presiden :p
hehe ! kak amy, I love youuu so much okay!
and yeah, dfc is part of our life, and u guys too. we re like family.. and dats why i love u guys so much. from the bottom of my heart!!
and i lyke da last one.
'Not forgetting, my beloved Hubby : Thanx for letting me involve with DFC... Thanx for understanding and thanx for all your support... Love u so much...'
hehe so cute! =D
p/s : aiyooo gmba lama kite tu! heehehe masa tu i diffrent sgt!
insyaallah getah, we'll work 2gether as a team...
and welcome...
pleasure having u as a part of us...
dip, mmg akak bangga sgt2 dgn DFC...
teruskan menyokong dfc n dafi ok...
xde niat nk wat speech pun...
sja nk say thx 2 all, tp jd mcm speech laks... LOL
dear ray,
well said- mmg pun DFC dah jd sebahagian of ur lives...
camne bz pun, i'll still try 2 find time...
aiyooo... tun keluar party kalu, pas2 masuk balik gaks.... kannnnn...
hey fara,
jgn la sedey plaks...
i didn't mean 2 buat speech la, juz 2 share how i felt jer n tribute 2 all of u guys...
i love u 2...
mmg pun kita dah mcm family...
imagine la, from where we started sampaila skrg ni, byk yg kt da went thru...
of coz la, he meant a lot 2 me, juz imagine kalu i dpt hubby yg suruh i duduk umah jer, of coz i x bly jumpa uols...
mesti my life bosan gilsss.... hahhahaha...
i know, i pun looked different...
ingat lagi zaman 2...
zaman gigih afundi DAFI & sent 2 : 32999 - mmg xbley bla.... LOL
(yg guna lappy sham lantas malas nk log in)
the 2nd pic show kakrins tu,d rest tu sapa?hnya kenal fara,kakamy n kakrins je...dh xaktif ke...ahaks;)
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