In conjunction with the upcoming showcase this weekend, Azim, Fendy, Shuk, Lyn n myself made our way 2 SACC Mall. The main idea of us being there bukan la nk shopping bagai... LOL... But simply 2 hang DFC's bunting and place flyers for promotional purpose.
Knowing us... Sambil2 buat keja 2, sempatla 'berangan' jap with those buntings. Especially the guys, posing sakan... hehheheh...
Kitorang pun nk 'berangan' gak...
Excuse us, pls give way and take our cameras.. Lallalalla...
Well, just to share some pics in the process of getting those buntings done :
- Basically we... i mean, Azim printed the showcase detail at a piece of A4 paper and
- pasted it at DFC's bunting.
- Hang and place at potential locations in SACC...
and the rest were to hang and got those stands ready...
By the Ground Floor escalator
bila korang letak ye. baru je pegi SACC td ngan kekawan. drg pun tertarik bila tgk, mcm event besar katanya.
p/s: saya gi bergambar d bunting dkt hehe. gigih tul
gigih sgt kan..
buat keje tpi ttp nak berposing..
yg tu semestinya...
ajakla dorg dtg ramai2...
besar 2, xtawla nk ckp kn...
tp if ramai, sure meriah...
harus la kn...
syok la buat keja time xde org :D
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