There was this event known as 'Diploma Fashion Show' organized by UiTM Perak's Faculty of Art & Design. It was basically an event 2 highlight & judge the Talents among students. There were around 42 designers & over 100 designs.
The guest artist for this event was YUNA. My better half (who happens to an ardent fan of Yuna) was the one who got excited about it. In fact, he knew it 1st, before us - as he followed closelyYuna's activity. Minat sangattt... konsepnya...
Asked to come over 2 check Yuna out. Apparently he wasn't around at that moment as he needs to fetch his folks from LCCT... I could only laugh..... hahahahahhaah.... I knew I'm mean... lalallaala...
Asked to come over 2 check Yuna out. Apparently he wasn't around at that moment as he needs to fetch his folks from LCCT... I could only laugh..... hahahahahhaah.... I knew I'm mean... lalallaala...
Hannah? Where r u?
To Sab,
Well done! U've done a grata job in handling this event. After all the obstacles, we've finally made it... Just ignore those Mulut2 Longkang... Dah la x S**I***T, propa lak 2... Sedey uols... Hahhahahha....
Btw, thanx for the Clutch... ***wink wink***
Love it!!! and, Love u...
Eventhough delibrately we had to sacrifice our lovely weekend & PH, be on duty & work our A** out, I had fun with both of u over the weekend... If only we could lepak 2gether, even Sab dah buat onar... But it was ok la... Hannah n myself had a good night sleep as we were 2 tired...
Sayang korang.... Mwahhhhhsssx
Sayang korang.... Mwahhhhhsssx
yuna activity boleh tengok kat sini: , tak dapat tengok kat intekma ada lagi event yuna kat shah alam..hehe..
May 29 2009 8:00P
Soft Opening @ Bale13 Foodcourt Section 13, Shah Alam
will you be my friend
hehe...tau takpe.kalau dengki sikit,dah pegi jer lepak mlm2 tu tinggalkan sab kan..huhahaha
huhuhuhuhuh nie sedih nie
nak tinggal kan i malam tuuuu
heheheh hana ko jgn jeles tau i ngan kak emy ader gambar ngan yuna
aper pun biar allah yg balas perbuatan dia tu kak dia ingat dengan pangkat dia yg ader tu boleh laa nak marah org macam kita nie kuli batak dia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
hehehehe thanks so much dgn u allll
sss hana dan kak emy thanks for helping me during the fashion show
si comelllll
aaahhh nya....saya penah tgk dia perform live, tp tak dapat amik pic together lagi. vocal dan lagunya sedap kan.
nak jeles boleh tak kak? i love yuna! huhuhu....
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