Holla... At this particular moment of time, m feeling fresh as I just had a traditional bath... Bukan mandi bunga ok... tp mandi daun... Its home made & I wanna share the process of getting it done... It's really simple... Yang susah maybe 2 get those daun-daun jer...
> Firstly, prepare a large periuk, pour in water & dapatkan all the daun-daun / herba tradisional... M sure ramai yang x berapa kenal all those daun-daun, so do I... hehhehe...
* Daun Pisang Mas
* Daun Lempoyang (not sure the name)
* Daun Limau Purut
* Daun Belimbing Buluh
the right dulang (from left) :
* Daun Inai
* Daun Lengkuas
* Daun Jambu
* Daun Pandan
(yang ni sure semua kenal, rite :D)
> Wash those daun-daun... Make sure it's really clean especially for one with sensitive skin...
> Gather those daun-daun and put the pot... Add lengkuas...
> Then, wait till the water boils...
> Ok.. Done...
> Have a normal bath...
> Rinse with the air rebusan...
Don't be too rigid by not adding cold water as m not responsible in any skin damage... LOL
"Selamat Bersiram, y'alll"
note :
This bath is recommended after a long day... It'll make u feel fresh...
Also good for back pain and normally used for mothers in confinement (dalam Pantang) in kampung-kampung...
This bath is recommended after a long day... It'll make u feel fresh...
Also good for back pain and normally used for mothers in confinement (dalam Pantang) in kampung-kampung...
betul kata syamelia...mmg elok utk org berpantang....itulah yg diamalkan mama masa 44 hari berpantang...bau airnya wangi.masak wif daun pandan...
every month i buat mandi daun ni.
my sis in law yg ajar..
mmg sgt2 fresh ok..
Does this really help to ease back pain, Amy? Hmmm.. shud try.. tapi tulaa.. the challenging part is to get the ingredients.. hehehe..
i want to try it too lah..
masa kecik2 dulu slalu juga mandi daun ni, arwah maktuk sediakan. tp sampai skrg pun saya tetap tak cam semua daun yg digunakan. thanks for sharing
i lom penah merasa mandi daun daun ni... errr guna daun getah, aci x?
salam...mana nak dptkan those daun?..
mama azlina,
bau air dia mmg wangi, n even utk x berpantang pun sggt seswai...
apa lagi yg berpantang kn...
fresh sgt kannn...
xsangka u pun biasa buat...
i tot u're the type yg dok pg spa jer....
ease back pain, maybe la...
but nk angkat baldi 2 u have 2 be carefull...
if xkena cara, boleh menambahkan backpain...LOL
ingredient? dtg je umah :)
u should!!!
mmg best sggt...
then blog about it ok :D
hope my posting sedikit sebyk dpt membantu 2 kenal the daun...
selalunya, org pompuan jer yg rajin bab2 mandi daun ni...
tp kalu nk cuba apa salahnya...
drp guna daun getah, baik letak cili potong jer...
xpun, mandi air tembikai...
Mama Eiman Iman,
m not 2 sure about la...
tp yg ni semua ni, petik jer dkt kwsn umah :D
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