Just to share some pics that were taken at Megat's gallery...
Frankly speaking, I really am an 'art-illiterate' person or, in other words, buta seni...
But this gallery really mesmerized me, if it were to be valued, it's worth millions...
But personally, I felt that it's priceless...
Therefore, I'll let these pics explains all...
Finally, the painting that was once located in Gallery Shah Alam...
Way to go, Megat...
Really proud of you...
And of course, thanx to Ray, too...
gigih la kan
me la tukang masak
tukang bukan can
tukang ambik gambar
mmg berbakat la
into etc la katanya
sebab 2 la guna perkataan 'mighty talented'...
boleh dikatakan seribu satu tukang la... kan...
maha karya berbakat....
motif memuji megat melangit?
mesti ada apa2 nie...
presiden dah kena beli ke? hubhuhuh
hahahha ray xleh bla okay!
tp mmg la megat bgussssss. :D
salah ker kalau President puji Megat lebih2? haha..
yeah right Fara..
Megat mmg bagus..
tapi tkda kurangnya Ray..
apa salahnya kalu i dah kena beli dgn megat? kan dia bg i makan dark meat (drumstick n thigh)... lgpun ray ada share gaks coz dia yg bwk megat pg giant beli ayam tersebut....
jgn lupa bukan drumstick n thigh jerrr
now mee bandung with UDANG ok
kalo nak beli presiden...jaga perutnya!!!!!
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