Yesterday was quiet a long day for me...
Ray invited all VIDs to come over to Rumah Si Kecil's (RSK) Sport's Day, which was held at Stadium Paroi, Seremban- venue very the meletops ok... Bertuahnya budak2 RSK ni, concert at SUK, sport's day at stadium... How lucky they are...
Apparently, most of us couldn't make it. Lyn wasn't feeling well and the rest had other matter to be taken cared of. So Lilo happened to be free and here we are...
The trip was kinda long n winding. We had to go through several obstacles to get to Seremban. Firstly, Lilo had to fix her tyre, then my hp was running out of battery n the traffic was like so unfriendly.
Apparently, most of us couldn't make it. Lyn wasn't feeling well and the rest had other matter to be taken cared of. So Lilo happened to be free and here we are...
The trip was kinda long n winding. We had to go through several obstacles to get to Seremban. Firstly, Lilo had to fix her tyre, then my hp was running out of battery n the traffic was like so unfriendly.
We arrived at Stadium Paroi at 4.28 pm, when the event was supposed to start at 2pm... Stepped out of the car, terus dengar suara Ray... Then we went in, looked for Megat... And then, I terus snap photos of the event...
Sorry Ray, I couldn't come earlier to help u with the photo thingy... Inilah natijahnya if photographer kena jaga rumah Kuning... kan...
So juz to share the pics some pics that I took yesterday... For more info on this event, pls visit Ray's blog...
Sorry Ray, I couldn't come earlier to help u with the photo thingy... Inilah natijahnya if photographer kena jaga rumah Kuning... kan...
So juz to share the pics some pics that I took yesterday... For more info on this event, pls visit Ray's blog...
Lilo : Kak Amy, Lilo dah boleh bawak keta auto... yeay yeay...
Then we made our way from Stadium Paroi to the kindergarten... I went with Ray, Megat went with Lilo... Takut Lilo salah jalan, katanya... Walaupun mereka berdua pernah ada scandal... Oops!!
When, we arrived there, I was like so mesmerized to see the RSK... It was so different from what I've seen 5 months ago...
Guys, it looked better in reality compared to the one we've seen in blogs... Cantekkk gils ok...
So, apalagi, Me n Lilo started cam-whoring lerrs...
When, we arrived there, I was like so mesmerized to see the RSK... It was so different from what I've seen 5 months ago...
Guys, it looked better in reality compared to the one we've seen in blogs... Cantekkk gils ok...
So, apalagi, Me n Lilo started cam-whoring lerrs...
Megat : Ray, pesan dekat dorang tengok je, jangan sentuh!
Wah... I thought at USJ jer ada Taipan...
Then, we went home and Pangsan...
Thanx a lot guys... I had so much fun...
Thx Lilo, for driving me there...
Love u guys... Mwahhhhs...
Thanx a lot guys... I had so much fun...
Thx Lilo, for driving me there...
Love u guys... Mwahhhhs...
aiye.. beshnye RSK nie.. hehehe..
neway, kak amy.. pic yg sblm kak lilo bwa kete tu.. wajib ade cahaya kann.. hahaha..
sowie.. mls mo sign in..
hi eca...
rsk mmg baik punya...
pic 2 bukan cahaya lampu ok, its cahaya matahari...
natural lighting bak kata megat...
alah.... i hope i can go kan.. but i terpaksalah duk di rumah. im not feeling well kan.. isk isk..
yelah.. RSK semakin chantek n vogie the vass ler..
ps: tingin plak nk pg RSK. eermm.. tak tau lah bila kan.. huhuhuh
it would be so much fun if u were around taw...
missed u...
rsk the bomb!!!
byk betul halangan nk pi seremban kan kak emi...
walaubagaimanapun tetap degil jugak nk pi tgk sport day si kecil...
lilo mengharapkan rumah kuning menang tp naib johan jer...apa laaa tenaga pengajar nie..x semangat langsung...hehehhe
uikss...jeles ni kak emi bg megat sorang je medal...yang lain2 x bg pown...(bagi kat kuncu2 jer)..huhuhu...
wah2...kak emi nk amek hati lilo la piala sebesar alam semata2 nk tutup mata rakyat yer...hahhaha...kami tidak mudah tertipu...hehehe...
dear tun ray, sorry lilo meminjam kereta istana tanpa keizinan dari tun..sbb tuanku amelia ajak lilo pi tgk drift..hehe..(err sape ajak sape ni)
ekceli seronok tu mmg seronok cuma x cukup korum la...yang bestnye dapat bersantai....
wah bagi ,medal kat kuncu2
terlebih sudah !!!
aiyoooo,dah tu
nak tutup my mouth dengan ikan bakar x-dapat
then bagi la medal besi tu
but motiff medal tu ada kat kak amy ???
( kene tarik balik ker ?? )
rumah kuning x memang coz teacher yg jaga umah kuning 2 dok bz catwalk n lantas memberi ajaran yang agak sesat kepada student...
teacher suruh larikkk, dia dok catwalk... apa kes...
haruss lerr rumah biru menang...
akak bukn nk amik hati lilo, malahan, paru-paru, jantung, pankreas pun nk amik gaks... hehhe...
best kan bersantai dkt dataran senawang....
yg paling x bley bla, is part cuci tangan guna air pancut...
poyos sgts kn...
kalu lg ramai, mesti lagi best, haruss runtuh dtaran senawang itew...
x abis lg ke citer ikan bakar?
yela, nt 1 day kt pg ok...
abis 2, megat dok bz mengadap jer, camner nk pg...
medal megat dgn akak...
kalu nak balik, kena tgk habuan & nilai SOGOkkan...
sebarabg surat-menyurat tidak akan dilayan oleh pihak penganjur...
ray tunggu sangat post pasal burger tuhhh
bila nak keluaq niehhh!!!
yoyoos amek gambar keluo nya idakkkk
not enuff said
to be kontinue
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