Got an invitation from Zack (not Zac Efron ok :), hubby's BFF... Despite all the open houses why i say this is one the best? Just have a look at the menu.... Ya ampunnnnn!!! Mmg xbley bla...
Already have this mindset saying that kalu pg umah Zack, mmg makan sedap... Last year he served Ikan patin imported from Sg. Pahang n ikan keli sambal, this year it's more than ikan keli uolss... Menu yang sangat sedap n pelbagai...
As a matter of fact, gue ini sangat la merindukan makanan M'sia... Da seminggu makan salad, roti, cream soup, n lotsa beef... Bila dpt mkn camni, rasa heaven sggt... Sebaik pakai leggings... hahhahahha
As a matter of fact, gue ini sangat la merindukan makanan M'sia... Da seminggu makan salad, roti, cream soup, n lotsa beef... Bila dpt mkn camni, rasa heaven sggt... Sebaik pakai leggings... hahhahahha
- siap ada dessert lagi, Bubur Pulut Hitam...
So ada i almari penuh dgn product HPA..
- from coffee, sardine, dishwasher, sabun, sauce, macam2 ada!!!
Tima kasih daun keladi, next year jemput lg ek...
semoga murah rezeki u all satu family... amin...
From Zack's residence, we made our way terus ke Mid Valley coz ada ada Playboy perfume Roadshow. Initially, Lyn asked me 2 teman her. Nak jumpa skin specialist katanya, n nak support Red Mummy as one of the Bunnies... Lepas ni, harus la Lyn's skin jadi smooth n supple ibarat ibarat telur yang dikupas kulit... Wah! gitew lah....
It was a great event. Besides supporting Red Mummy, managed 2 meet up with some other blogger like Ayu the Sun, Rose n her luvely daughter, Yaty 'Kerepek', and it was a pleasure meeting Fana and Amira...
It was a great event. Besides supporting Red Mummy, managed 2 meet up with some other blogger like Ayu the Sun, Rose n her luvely daughter, Yaty 'Kerepek', and it was a pleasure meeting Fana and Amira...
As for Red Mummy, we're really glad that she won the best Bunny... She deserved it though! Done lots of preparation and homework. Just have a look at her, so different n bold compared 2 the rest... Harussla Ayu the sun jadi image consultant, kn :D... The 'ekor' so chumellls la...
On top of that, she went extra mile by doing PR in order 2 get shoppers 2 vote 4 her...
On top of that, she went extra mile by doing PR in order 2 get shoppers 2 vote 4 her...
It's worth RM 2,900.00
I took Miami Playboy (orange) and Lyn took Malibu Playboy (blue)...
Thanx 2 Abg Nara yang Hensem :D
Had so much fun for the day...
Thnx 2 alll...
Oh ya, Lyn, thx 4 sending me home n thx 4 the kerepek :)
Thnx 2 alll...
Oh ya, Lyn, thx 4 sending me home n thx 4 the kerepek :)
abang nara memang hensem
i had fun too..
kak amy.. nanti ayu sms.. nak jumpa kak amy.. ade hal skets. :)
huh.. menu tuh memang tak bleh blah..hahaha
well said abg nara :D
btw, thx 4 the body spray...
fun sggt kn...
ok sure, nt juz text jer...
dat's y la...
rasa mcm heaven sgt mkn hr 2...
its my pleasure..
glad u had fun..
thx sbb sudi teman kan kesana..
no prob lyn...
mcm x biasa, knn...
wah wah! bubur pulut itam!!!!
i likee....
** tingin nak nengok Cik Lyn kita pakai sarung bunny.. keke.. musti chomel kan... lalala
wah wah! bubur pulut itam!!!!
i likee....
** tingin nak nengok Cik Lyn kita pakai sarung bunny.. keke.. musti chomel kan... lalala
sedap bubur dia...
if cik lyn pakai bunny, sure kiyut kn...
waaa banyaknya menu...semua masak sendiri ek
yup edz!
dorg gotong royong satu family...
siap ada kawah beso dpn apartment!!!
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