what a great date...
What's even more special about this date is Hubby's Birthday!!!
What a coincidence that his birthday falls on this beautiful date.. To me, this date represents him, as he lovesss all this computer thingy and could easily be stuck in front of the PC for hours... Doing only god knows what... lol...
But i always look at the bright side of thing and hope 2010 will bring more luck, brighter future and the best in everything.....
But i always look at the bright side of thing and hope 2010 will bring more luck, brighter future and the best in everything.....
Happy Birthday Sayanggggggggggg
His birthday fall on 9th Jan, a day before Hub's B'day...
Love this pikca... All in tone of Red :)
tengkieuuuu ayang oyangggggg...moga-moga tahun ni,makin dimurahkan rezeki for us....dikurniakan baby kalau ada rezeki dan diberikan kesihatan yang baik....huhuhuhuhu
insya Allah... Amin....
amy ..heppi birthday to your hubby... :D
i'll let him know... thx sid...
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