For the 1st time in my life, I watch theater... Never watch any before, except for one in Japan , way back when i was in secondary 2... So CUCI the musical is my 1st attempt... And it was tremendously a great one... Besides being hilarious, it tot us a lot... About friendship, loyalty, faith, honesty, hard work, determination, dreams n much more...
I really had fun watching it... Unexplainable experience...

This is the ticket that cost me..... a fortune.... LOL... Wanted 2 get the cheaper ones but the best seats were all taken... But it was really WORTH!!! We've got a great seat with great view... Sggt satisfied...
This is towards the ending part where Hans Issac, the Executive Producer acknowledged all the crew, stars and everyone involved in the show. Btw, since it was the last show, it finished a bit longer and the ad-libs were more... That what i heard...

After the show, we were given the opportunity to meet the stars during an autograph session, provided we purchase any merchandise. So, I bought the booklet.... which contains lots of info about it...

Vanidah Imran (as CJ) and
Reefa (as the Reporter). Vanidah is sangatt cantekk, and i've always been adoring her...

Adibah Noor as Farah... I loved her character yang sangat chumelllss... Really loved the part where she became 'Tina Turner' but really looked like Sahara Yaacob...
AC plays role as C'Tan
(not setan... lol) yang afraid of height... Loved the part when he merajuk...

Awie as jim wau jim wau (Jojo). Pisang goreng is his specialty. The part when he fells in love with Farah was so cute... Siap ada love cupid lagi...

With my all time favourite,
Afdlin Shauki... I actually told him that i wasn't even over Papadom n now i'm already head over heels on CUCI the musical... Dia sangat besttttt.....

This is a pic that is a bit 'controversional' when i selected it as my profile pic in FB... hehheheh.... Most of the people in my work agak x puas hati as i got the opportunity to watch and took pic with them... Well... well... well... Guess it was just my rezeki :)

Dato' Yasmin Yusuff, the executive producer... Gosh! I loved her voice over... She's so talented...

with my ever-cutest cuz,
Muna... she actually got the tix for free... m so jealous la....

Mr. Johan, the official photographer for CUCI the musical... His work is just SUPERB!!! A very nice guy, n helpful too... Thx Mr. Johan... Pleasure meeting u...

Finally, with
DR. JOEY... I knoe it's belum dr yet... But i've always been calling him Doc... Fyi, he just delivered a baby (on his own) about an hour before the show starts... It was such a beautiful feeling... And it was so sweet when he text me a day after saying that
Well Joey, may u achive everything that u've been 'struggling' for... and thanx a lot for everything...

my book that was filled with signatures :)
alaaa.... rugi lah tak tgkkk...sumer org cakap besttt
tu la sid...
kak amy!!!
i love vanidah too!!!!!!!!!!!!
mmg sgt best...
in fact, i miss them...
i know la, always been reading in yr blog...
mmg best gile cuci the musical ngeee!!!! skrg rasa sedih lak bila dah abis. huhu harap ada lagi
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