Rupanya, she was there as the President of KL & Selangor Albanism Association (KLSAA) which was represented by Nana & Sein Ruffedge... So, every recording perlu lah ada wakil from the society... I was glad that she invited me and it was such an experience for me... Apparently I didn't take banyak pics as i normally did, due to some reason and consequences...

As we got there, we sat at the reserved seats written 'chariry Sein'... Those seats are for Charity bodies representatives and families... As for the Fan Clubs and supporters, they will have to stand by the side of the stage...
This pic was taken before the final dance of the contestance... As usual la recording, banyak cut n paste thingy.. Thank goodness they didn't have to repeat many times...
Coincidently, during this episode was supposed to be Aznil Nawani's birthday. He happened to be one of the guest judges for the episode...

So each and everyone (supposingly la) of the guest dapat cuppies... But it was more to a 'sapa cepat dia dapat' concept... I sort of needed to berebut to grab it... But it was the last 2... Just nice for me n Maizan...
But it was worth the rebut coz the cupcake memang sedap.... The fudge wasn't too sweet... N the texture was soft, yet chocolatey... Tak terasa baking soda sgt2 as how normal cuppies does...
So each and everyone (supposingly la) of the guest dapat cuppies... But it was more to a 'sapa cepat dia dapat' concept... I sort of needed to berebut to grab it... But it was the last 2... Just nice for me n Maizan...
Ya ampunnns!!! perlukerrr gue buat food revies gak dalam entry ni??? hehhehehe.... Well, guess I just can't help it laa....
Gosh! she was just so sweet, tall, slim, n feminine... Way different with her character in Awan Dania :D -And, I loved her outfit.....
All in all, it was great to watch the recording... Thanx to Maizan for inviting me...
~ ~ ~
ps :dalam pada 2, sempat gak imagine what if Dafi join Sehati Berdansa.. Provided he had to be married 1st la... M sure DFC akan 'membanjiri' Astro saban minggu... That will take like years to go... Before my imagination goes wilder, i'd better run for my life.....
1 2 3... larikkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk...................
seronok nyer....hahahha..dafi sehati berdansa.....harus la gi support dia...
tp nk menunggu beberapa tahun...rase2 nye lilo kot yg sehati berdansa dulu..
xsabar lak nk tgk lilo sehati berdansa...
harus akak taw apa 'maskot' nya :D
xsabar lak nk tgk lilo sehati berdansa...
harus akak taw apa 'maskot' nya :D
haha.. hmm jauh nya imagination tu.. tapi okay per if Dafi join sehati berdansa nie.. Dafi suka menari what.. and he can dance very well..
niwae!! tak brapa nak puas hati that you took picture with Fahrin Ahmad and Awal!!! hahaha..
- Lina RD
LOL. tak tanya cupcakes tu dari mana.hehe.
kalo lah dafi masuk, time tu sure byk undian masuk, memandangkan fans dafi skrg byk muda2, years later haruslah semua dah berkerjaya kan
tak prasan pula kak amy dgn rakan ada di situ dlm tv. hmm...kena tgk balik ulangan ni... :D
lina rd,
well, sambil2 duduk 2, of coz i x stop my mind to think of stuff that involved all of us...
indeed lina, he dance really well.. but that would be the day la kn :D
x sempat nk tanya la...
coz kotak dia pun hilang entah ke mana lepas 2, taw la, benda skt n org ramai...
well, xperlu kot tgk balik...
mungkin x nampak coz kitorg bukan duduk front row pun...
Hi Emi :-) Thank you so much for posting something on our night out on your blog.
It was indeed my pleasure to invite you, and for the gift :-) Thank you so much in return for accepting my invitation and the company.
So sorry you didn't take much photos as u usually do. Thanks to me :-( I wish I could be more of a help and a sport then.
I sure did love the cupcake too. Thank you for grabbing it for us, rezeki - last 2.
My last thanks for this post, THANK YOU for being such a wonderful friend all these years. You'll always be dear and close to my heart.
Take care Emi, stay in touch, and may Allah bless you always for being a true friend :-)
kawan mu itu memang sungguh baik hati.
aku yang makan hati tengok gambar ko n fahrin ituuuu....!!! uwaaaa...!!!
ok satu satu ayu tgk gambar & baca.. i was ok..
but bila nampak gamba akak dengan AWAL!!! OMG!!!!
i am so lah jealous!!!!!
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