Ini kisah 5 sekawan... Sham, Edil, Zack, Ismali & Lan. They've been friends ever since they studied in UiTM Jengka, then Shah Alam.. They even stayed at the same dorm called Perindu... aka Perin-ZOO.. hahhahhaha.... If u're from UiTM, u'll be well verse abt 'Perinzoo'...

The left one is Ismali, immediate right is Zack, the one next to Zack is Edil... Apparently, Lan was not around as he is in Malacca, and hardly comes down to KL...
This is the 1st time they met Mali, after 12 years... Well, as per Hubs, Mali mmg type yang baik, innocent n decent... Well, obviously he is...
As for Edil n Zack, they met quite often... Had buka puasa together, open house n more... Especially Edil, as he is just staying around the corner... As i dalam jajahan Shah Alam gaks... So selalu lah dorg ber2 ni lepak... Pegi 'dinding' n allll... Hanya dorg yg taw di manakah dinding.... hehhehehehe....
Actually, they're planning 2 have a reunion for their classmates of Diploma Teknologi Tekstil, Applied Science Faculty... Probably in December or March 2010...
In the means of planning n tracking down all the classmates... Thnx 2 Facebook... Ramai jugak dah jumpa... As for me, i've got so much on my mind that i wanna suggest to them... hehhehehhe.... Hopefully it'll be meriah... and yang penting hope it will become reality....
So, this session kira 'mini reunion' la gamaknya...
So, this session kira 'mini reunion' la gamaknya...
Since it's their 1st 'reunion' with Ismali, they treated him Flaming Steamboat... Hope he loved it as much as we did... As for me, I was just 'menyibuk' jer... hehhehehe.... Went back (after 'stuffing' myself :D with lotsa seafood n 'papan' - a term i used for fucuk)... just 2 let them have sometimes for themselves... Thx Edil coz anta Sham balik...
Owh ya, this was also my 1st time 2 Flaming after so long... the last time i got here was before Ramadhan, lama kn... Now ada another level opened according 2 Edil n NadRainbow...
N i realised ada several new items, esp shelled seafood... M x sure what its called, but it looked like 'abang kepada siput sedut' :)) But the texture is a bit keras compared to siput sedut n ada the layer that needed to be removed too, just like siput sedut...
Owh ya, this was also my 1st time 2 Flaming after so long... the last time i got here was before Ramadhan, lama kn... Now ada another level opened according 2 Edil n NadRainbow...
N i realised ada several new items, esp shelled seafood... M x sure what its called, but it looked like 'abang kepada siput sedut' :)) But the texture is a bit keras compared to siput sedut n ada the layer that needed to be removed too, just like siput sedut...
bestnya ada reunion ni.. my plan with my matrics buddies dah hancur lebur.. it is suppose to b on the 20.09.2009.
but.... tak jadi.
lilo x penah lagi buat reunion....
it was such a sweet date...
kalu akak jd ayu, proceed jer, regardless the no of participants...
akak pun sama la...
thanx ayang upload reunion kitaorang, masa last jumpa semua kurus-kurus..sekarang semua dah boroi..hehe..tapi yang penting sekali semua dah berjaya dalam career masing-masing dan dah berkeluarga.....sekejapjer dah 12 tahun...huhuhuhu
wow, harap ia berjaya.
saya penah pegi flamming steamboat dua kali je. mmg sgt best
thnx amy for posting.
reunion = silaturrahim...mudah mudahan berkat dan murah rezeki. for those who tried..try again. gdluck.
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