Thursday, January 1, 2009

Sayang You Can Dance's Greeting Card

Received a personal message in Facebook from Josiah J Chieng :

"We are giving out 10 limited collectors edition of SAYANG christmas and New Year Card.

Be the FIRST 10 person to send in your mailing address to my inbox and we will mail to you the Card, be fast :)

Have a great 2009 and may the new year be filled with love, success and happiness.


so i decided to try my luck and gave my add...

Few minutes later, received another private message :

"The winners for this grabs are:
1. Hana .I
2. Nur .Z
3. Azlina .M.J
4. Shamsimar .A.R
5. Gladys .T
6. Amy .B
7. Ziahul .A
8. Azwan .A
9. Gelica .C.R
10. Mohd .F.M.N

Thanx J.

I'll definitely check out the movie.... Enuff said... :)


ecachan said...

congratz kak amy.. =]
eca pun akan dpt but lmbt cos hntr g sabah.. lol..

♥Syamelia♥ said...

owh! yg nur Z is eca eh...
akak sje jer try my luck..
xsangka dpt lak...

ecachan said...

yeap.. nasib bgn awal time tu.. xD