Thursday, February 21, 2008

Vote, vote & vote!!!

Election is around the corner... so lets vote...

But apparently, the vote that we were casting wasn't the general vote thingy... Its all about voting Dafi for the upcomming ABPBH...

As quoted in forum of the official Dafi FC's website :

"As far as true Dafinites spirit is concerned, we have collected ABPBH's forms, and filled in together during our day out...

Ini baru halfway... we have more to go...

Rite now, we have around 40 - 50 forms that was filled in and ready to be posted... Juz imagine, those number of forms was only filled by the 6 of us... sampai naik penat tangan menulis and sampai naik tepu otak kami memikirkan slogan yang perlu ditulis...

our style of voting : firstly kami tandakan katagory no 7, mark nama dafi then only we filled in the rest... than we filled in Dafi's name (no 32) di ruangan bawah sekali and our reason... lastly, our particulars...

seriously... we want Dafi to WIN...

ps: juz because the vid's have done our part, that doesn't mean that u could take this task lightly... and please dont depend on other people to do it... kalu kita x buat, sapa lagi?

so Dafinites, do your part for Dafi - please VOTE!!!"

"Marilah mari pergi mengundi... tunaikan KEWAJIPAN pada DFC" lalalala....

Naddy cutting the form...
"Nad, paper 2 beli ke rembat" hehhehe
But Naddy is a good girl, m sure she bought those papers, which i never did... oops!!!

Lynny, Dibby n Saffy casting their votes...
'Guest who's the princess of the day?'

this is how we vote... Gomen style!!!
Disclaimer : Twisties tidak menaja segmen ini...

Doesn't the topi looks familiar?
Please excuse the sampah next to me, didin't mean to litter...
But honestly, I've made so much sampah during the cutting process...

Voila... We've done our part... 1st batch...
Disclaimer : Profen juga tidak menaja segmen ini...

After compiling all filled up forms...

It's so tebal...

Ready to be submitted...
Thank goodness i've got a friend working at nstp...
So i just pass it over to him... Thanx Taufiq... Jasamu tetap dikenang...

The Cantekkerr voters...
After penat mengundi, lets continue posing...

Credit 2 our photographer : pak AnDAM timberlake pvt ltd...
He came with Akymm at the perfect timing...

Moral of the story :
Aren't we like so gigih to see Dafi win? :)
-enough said-