Today I'm blessed n thankful to ALLAH swt for another year... for giving me a chance to still live n breath in this world... Syukur alhamdulillah....
People says that 'AGE IS ONLY A NUMBER'... it may be true... but i've got my own tots abt as i incorporated it in one of my FB status :
"how i wish AGE could juz only be a NUMBER..
n do not signify anything else physically n mentally.. ie health, skin elasticity, fine line underneath the eyes, sensitivity, maturity (which is a good thing) etc..
well, i guess AGE IS MORE THAN JUZ A NUMBER..."
n do not signify anything else physically n mentally.. ie health, skin elasticity, fine line underneath the eyes, sensitivity, maturity (which is a good thing) etc..
well, i guess AGE IS MORE THAN JUZ A NUMBER..."
be it in any perspective pun... yang penting... i wanna be be happy, healthy, surrounded with the people i love, have a good life... be a better person... n more.. n more... n more...
n... i hope all my doa n prayers will be heard... amin....
ps : thx for all the lovely birthday wishes... appreciate it... mwahhhssssxxx....
happy birthday ayang oyanggggg........
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki :)
Happy Birthday Kak Amy!! Moga panjang umur dan murah rezeki selalu. amin...
ikhlas dari,
peminat blog anda. :p
kak amy,
hepy belated bufday to u!
sha wish happy bday!
and may all ur wishes do come true..aminn.
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