Saturday, May 24, 2008

Prelude of MuDa de Pangkor 2008

Just to share some pics that we've taken on our trip to Pangkor. Not gonna say much about it as most coverage had been done via Dafi fc official website and Ray's blog.

It was definitely a tiring day trip, thank goodness the nest was a public holiday. Besides conducting a venue survey for our upcoming trip, we had fun. So much fun...

The complete delegates...
At Hentian Tanjung Malim

In the car...

The guys memang x reti duduk diam dalam keta...
Juz look at them...

We've finally arrived at Lumut Jetty around noon... After seeking high & low for a parking space, we settled down under the hot sun and had our 'mini 'lunch'... Ala-ala picnik gitew... Despite the heat, it was such a breeze to be laypak-king by the sea...

Thanx 2 Lyn and her Mum, Pn. Sri Toh Puan Ainan for the Nasi Goreng ala tergigit daging lantas mengecilkan hati itew ek...

At Lumut Jetty...

Why la do I always be wearing a number yang so 'mesra surrounding'? LOL

Ticket Girls...

In the ferry to Pangkor...

On the ferry to Pangkor...

The girls...

Coyote ferry...

On our way back...
At Esso, somewhere near Sri Iskandar (Azim's former place)

Those pose were taken juz before Tun so called 'merajuk'... Siap buat request lagi suruh letak dalam blog... Ok, I've done my part... Voila...

Then we had our break at RnR Tapah... I was so pisssed off with typical Malaysian attitute... lansung x reti nak queue... I was even more blown out coz there weren't any thigh nor drumstick left for the chicken rice... So, I nak makan apa?? Hahaha...

Arrived home at 12.00 mn... Sempat lagi masuk DFC's website... Slept at around 3.00 pm after settling down...

What a long-long day...

Thanx guys... Had so much fun... If this is just prelude, i can't imagine how the actual trip was gonna be... Double... or triple... or probably quardraple... of the fun as well as the tireness...

~enough said~


Fara A. said...

hee bestttttttnye!
gmba lawa
i ske gmba u yg sorg2 tu
msti megat yg amek kn??

heee msti kt pangkor yg btul2 lg best and im sure ktorg sume aknnnnnnnn have fun sgt!

Farazila said...

nothing much to say..
juz mmg baikk punyeee..
pergi mana2 mmg seronk kan..

♥Syamelia♥ said...

mmg best pun...
of coz la megat amik, sapa lg kn...
we will have fun, so much fun...

xyah ckp apa2...
kalu pg mana2 pun, x kira la tpt apa, mmg seronot sgt...

Lyn Yusoff said...

aiyyo.. mmg best giler..
tpi tak perlu lah letak pic i bersama2 tiket itew.. tak sesuai ok..
tak kisah kemana kita pergi. bergambar n berposing tu mmg wajib..hehhee

♥Syamelia♥ said...

haruslerr letak..
pic 2 chumell ok...

tol 2 lyn...
xkira tpt, tp wajib pose...
bukan makruh or sunat lagi...