Friday, May 2, 2008

Jalan-jalan Cari Makan - SBread, The Gardens

SBread is a newly opened outlet located at The Gardens, Mid Valley. It serves 3 types of bread with its tasty yummy yummy spread.

The concept is simple :

Pick a bread --> white or sesame or charcoal

Pick a spread --> Kaya / Milo / Chocolate / Butter & Sugar / Peanut Butter etc...



So, we took 4 sets :
1. White bread with Pandan Kaya (not Pulau Pandan ok)
2. White bread with chocolate (Fara's choice)
3. White bread with peanut butter
4. Steamed white bread with pandan kaya

This is how they prepare it...

The butter

White bread with peanut butter

Steamed white bread with pandan kaya
(to me, this is the best as the bread is so lembut)

White bread with chocolate

White bread with Pandan Kaya

We left the place in full stomach and ended up not finishing our Burger King...

(ps: baju Lilo comes with a free drink.... larikkk)


Fara A. said...

aiyoo kak amy.
lapar la tgk mknan ni.
sdap gils kn roti die,
Safia pon da suka.
if kite bwk kaklyn, ray, megat, adam sume msti diorg pon suka nye :D
harusssss la one day kitorg mkn kt situ kn.hehe :D

♥Syamelia♥ said...

tol 2 fara...
pas ni haruss kiter sebarkan 'virus' sbread 2 all...
nice kn the riti...
nt kt pg sana n kasi havoc itu outlet k...

Farazila said...

heheh...nk kasi kecoh...okie jer..lagipon tempat tu tersorok skit....
errr..motif kak emi beli air tu kaler ungu?nk bahan lilo la yer...

Lina said...

mkn lagi.. asyik mkn jer.. haha
kak amy harus bawa lina ke tempat mkn yang sedap2.. haha.. satu hari tak cukup nak round the whole KL tu..

Lyn Yusoff said...

yummy.. yummy..
nampak menarik lah guyz..
next time bawak i skali k..

♥Syamelia♥ said...

air itew telah dibeli seblum lilo sampai taw...
xyah kasi kecoh pun, kalu kita ada mmg kecoh nyer dat place...

of coz i will, in fact, we will...
the thing is, biler la my adik yg sorg ni nak turun kl...

mmg menarik pun...
n mmg plan nk bwk u...
tp biasala kn mak buih, sampai mv je, harussler pg MAC...
gigih sgt nk beli lipstick COSMo u 2 sampai tertinggal lipstick n bawak blk kotak n plastic mac yang kosong...