Well well well... Where share i begin huh...
Ok, during our trip 2 JB, managed 2 take a time off to Singapore. Since dah dekat, might as well drop by. Apparently time was the limitation. Were we in S'pore for merely 24 hours. So I didn't get the chance 2 do much, and that includes meeting my luvely lil sista, Lina- the Drama Queen. It's ok dear, maybe next time ya...
Initially, we planned 2 drive, but after deep consideration and lotsa advice, we decided 2 just take a bus, lagipun it's easy 2 travel since there're MRT.
We haven't been in a bus for quite sometimes that made us like a fool, nak bayar pun xtaw dkt mana... hahhahaha...
We were asked to take this bus and stop at Kranji MRT. Once we got there, I gave a call to my cousin who was already in Singapore. Then she came and fetch us.
While we were there, we stayed at Kak Linda's house in Pasir Ris - street 71, block 776.
Kak Linda is a friend of my cousin, Kak Lia, whom I last met centuries ago . I think I was in early secondary, then. Back when we were staying PJ. Well, time just flew so fast... They knew each other when the worked together in Clinic Anis, Sec 2 way back in the 80's.
We'd like to take this opportunity to thank Kak Linda, Abg Li and family for being so generous and hospitable to us. Thanx for everything!!! Thanx coz bagi stay dkt rumah. To Abg, thanx coz ambik kitorang from Woodlands.
To Nor & better half, Nazri, thanx for taking us to Orchard, and showing us on how to get around by MRT. Well, it's not that diificult but for 1st timers, u've just got to be familiar with the system, route n so on. Once u've got the hang of it- voila... Lina, i think if time weren't the major issue, i could easily meet u at Jurong or Boon Lay...
Well, Nor is lucky to have someone as sweet & responsible as Naz is. We found a Takashimaya paper bag with goods in it at the ticket counter. Since no one claim it's their's, Naz brought it to the office and handed over to the officer, should the owner come and claim for it. How i wish more Malaysian to be like dat... I think this world would be a better place 2 live...
All the best to both of u...
May the little seeds of love that u plant will blossom into huge petals of love that blooms & last forever...
Wah! Gitew... Terlebey sudahhhh...

And, this cutie little pie is Nor Shaza Nabiha - better known as BIHA...
Isn't she adorable???

ps :
InsyaAllah, will blog more about Singapore in following posting, ya..
Well, nothing much 2 blog pun, such a little trip jer :)
May the little seeds of love that u plant will blossom into huge petals of love that blooms & last forever...
Wah! Gitew... Terlebey sudahhhh...
And, this cutie little pie is Nor Shaza Nabiha - better known as BIHA...
Isn't she adorable???
ps :
InsyaAllah, will blog more about Singapore in following posting, ya..
Well, nothing much 2 blog pun, such a little trip jer :)
what a waste kan?
tak dpt jumpa.. sedihh seh..
but im really glad that you enjoy your stay in spore.. if you come spore again, i'll bring you for shopping okay..
but whatever it is i wanna say sorry first coz i don't really noe good places to shop, eat or sight-seeing.. haha.. because i don't really go out.. and all those places are far and im lazy.. hehehe..
tkpa, i'll prepare well before you want to come to spore okay??
love you laa sis!! mwahh2..
dear lina,
dat's y la, such a waste, kan...
i just hope i'll be there again...
dat time, we'll go shopping 2gether ok...
x payah orchard pun xpe, cz i know ada byk area yg ada shopping mall..
i did enjoyed my stay, even though it was a brief one...
abt the makan thingy, it's ok...
we found our way, eventhough we had 2 jalan like we never did here LOL
love u 2, lil sista...
yeah near my place ada gak shopping centre yg baru renovate.. and therefore i dont need to go to town to shop.. haha.. yeah2! cant wait to shop with you..
ohh yah, in Spore all you need to do is walking to have a better view and to sight seeing.. buang tambang jer kalau naik bus.. seriously speaking.
- Lina RD
owh really..
dat's cool?
btw, what's the name of the mall?
hhehheheheh... mcm la i familiar sgt... but saja nak taw...
owh! really?
yup! betul 2...
but provide u have lots of time...
kalau x, naek MRT jer...
i think dat's the best...
the name of the mall that is nearest to my house is Jurong Point.. other big shopping mall at IMM, Vivocity.. yg lain taktau sgt.. haha..
nama jer Sporean kan..
yeah if in Spore definitely i've plenty of time to spent with you guys! unless laa bila i kat KL.. time constraint.. haha.. bak kata Adam "i ada curfew kan bila dtg KL" okay i seriously can't forget that statement..
if naik MRT mmg ah cpt smpai.. tapi still waste tambang.. haha.. but i myself naik bus eventho dekat.. coz malas.. :p
- Lina RD
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